Here is my initial idea sheet where I explain the main idea of the narrative of my music video. It reads:
Woman or girl walk into their house after school or work etc
throws keys down onto side, sit down on sofa and put tv on.
We see the end of a news reprt on afganistan (ONLY END)
She turns the tv off and looks at a photo of her and her boyfriend on the shelf.
She goes to the piano and starts to play.
(this is the start of the song)
She will play the intro of the song on the piano.
Here, we see her boyfriend walk past the door and smile at her.
Here, we will see many different locations where the boy and girl are together, situations in which couples would be associated.
For each verse:
Sitting around a camp fire
Walking in the woods
Bonfire night
Christmas scenes. Here the boyfriend is present yet there is a distance between them.
In between there will be performance shots, actress walking through woods or by lake, or cutting back to the piano. Maybe during the chorus.
At the end the video rewinds back to the start and this time we see the whole of the news report. It is about a group of soldiers that have been killed. HE IS ONE OF THEM!
Zoom into picture on tv zoom back out onto picture on shelf, so we can see that it is him.
Maybe end in a graveyard with her sat by his gravestone.
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