Research and Planning/Hand in Folder: November 4th

Finished Music Video: December 16th

Finished Website/CD Cover/Evaluation/Blog:13th January

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Pitch Powerpoint

I believe that my pitch went well, and I expressed my ideas clearly to my audience.  The feedback that I gained was very beneficial and I have thought about the changes that I need to make.
1)      The girl in the video is going to be a teenager, with a teenage boyfriend. This will still work as boys join up from 17 years old, and it is still very common. This will mean that casting will be much easier, and the only changes will be that she will come home from college, or from generally being out, and the house will be a family home rather than her own place. I could show this through family photos, or a family member being present in the opening shots.
2)      I need to make sure that if I am going to start with the girl playing the piano, my actress is able to play the piano sufficiently, and that I arrange sheet music to be ordered.
3)      I need to decide whether  the boy will always be wearing a soldier outfit, which would gain the distant effect desired.

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